Day 6: 365: My sweet Gretta is starting to get all frosty in the face. She's creeping on 8.
Day 7: 365: Ahhh lately it seems like our lives has been fueled by Dutch Brothers Coffee. Their grapefruit rebel energy drink iced is pretty amazing too! If you haven't tried them, you need to! Although I've only seen them in Colorado and in Washington. But that's probably because both are awesome places in general. lol!
Day 8: 365: A lot of our spare time has been used to work on the girls playroom/ hang out space. Regrettably it's taking much longer than I would have liked to complete but like I mentioned before it's been a really busy past two months. Last month along with the holidays a family member passed away. It was sudden but with his health constantly declining we knew it was coming. Then Jedidiah has been traveling a lot lately. I'm grateful for the over time but not for having him gone so much. A few days ago my father inlaw (one of my personal role models) was overwhelmed with chest pains. Thankfully they decided to get it checked out. It turned out to be the early warnings of a heart attack. Had he not gone in for what resulted in an unexpected surgery he might have died. It was crazy seeing images of his heart and how closed the veins were. I'm so thankful to still have him with us. He still has so much to offer the world through his kindness and wisdom. ANYHOO, way off subject, I do this a lot in person too...LOL! We are still working on the room. I'm currently having a difficult time deciding on what direction I want to go with the decor and overall style. Piper is 7 and she will get the most use out of the room but Chloie is nearly 15 and I'd still like it to be a fun place for her to draw and lounge (That girl spends waaay too much time in her room...teenagers.)
Day 9: 365: We've had several frosty snow days lately. I love it when the trees get covered like this! It's a shame I don't own a 100mm to capture the details better. Ahh but someday...someday...
Day 10: 365: A lazy Saturday morning of coffee, muted tv's, and Little Big Planet.
Day 11: 365: When there is snow outside you can bet we are
going to be outside exploring. Probably not the best time to explore
but the snow just makes everything so much prettier! I'm looking out of
an abandon building in Victor, Colorado. If you ever visit here this
town alone is chalked full of abandoned mining buildings to wander
through. Many of them are difficult to actually go in cause of the state
of them but this one was mostly in tact minus the random deep holes in
the floors (creepy). More images to come in another post.
Day 12: 365: Colorado Springs is such a winter wonderland
right now. I'm loving it! I do miss warmer days and not layering so much
but until then I'm going to enjoy this beautiful snow. Oh I made
Jedidiah pull off of the highway for this shot, not too sure he was
excited to do that but he's such an incredible husband. Thanks Jed! ♥
I'm late getting these posted, the story of my life lately, so sorry dear friends but I've been on a determined quest to discover why my images (which use to view crisp) are now viewing so fuzzy until clicked. It might seem trivial but when you work so hard on photographing, then editing, and finally upload them only to see they aren't as lovely, well its really disappointing. Okay done ranting.
Some final thoughts... Do you have a blog? Are you with wordpress or blogger? I'm considering making the switch to wordpress but there are things about them I'm not sure I like. I'd love to hear about your pro or cons to the blog format you use.
Take Care & Enjoy,